Chapter News:

Night at the Races


Pa 8 and 37 had a fabulous time supporting Night at the Races! Thanks to Munhall Central and West Homestead for the fantastic evening!

Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month


Did you know that Cancer is one of the leading causes of death among firefighters? They are at higher risk of certain types of cancer than the general population. Since Jan is Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month we're sharing some information on cancer in the fire service and what can be done to reduce the risk!

PA 37 Better Late Than Never Christmas Party


Big Shout Out & Thank You to RedKnights PA ThirtySeven, Alex Cahill, & Paul Mueller for inviting PA8 to join in the fun at the Uniontown Country Club for their Better Late Than Never Christmas Party last night! We had a wonderful time! Thank you for including us in your celebration!

January New Member Welcome!


We would like to welcome our new members Kieran Beach and Tim Smith who came in last night. We would also like to welcome back PJ & Sally Ostrowski.

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