Chapter News:

Steel Valley Christmas Parade


MERRY CHRISTMAS from RKMC PA 8! ? Gearing up to ride in the The Historic Steel Valley Christmas Parade

RKMC Night at the Ballpark!


This year we held our first RKMC Night at the Ballpark! We plan to make it an annual event! We had chapter members from Pa 8, 11, 13, and 37 join us at the ballpark. This year we attended First Responders Night with the Pirates. Next year we hope to keep the tradition alive and attend on a weekend to get more PA and Regional chapters!

Chapter 8 Family Picnic!


Every July we have a family picnic for our members. It's a time for family and fun! This year was no exception, we had food, friends, games and prizes! Thank you to everyone who brought a dish and helped make this year another success. Special thanks to Steve Marone! You planned an eventful day that kept everyone busy!

2023 Dice Run!


On May 20th we held our annual Benefit Ride for the Victims of Fire. It was a rainy day, but we didn't let that stop us from having a great time! We rode out to Woodpeckers Pub & Grub for a little lunch and then back to Puzzlers for some entertainment and BBQ! Thanks to Jaydens for supplying the dinner, it was fabulous! The rain quit and the U-Betz band provided some awesome entertainment while supporters checked out the fantastic auction baskets! In all we were able to raise just over $5,000 for our Victims of Fire Charity!

RKMC Family Dinner Ride


Red Knights International Motorcycle Club encouraged chapters to get together and ride to dinner. Pa chapters 8 and 37 decided to get together and ride to the 1933 Grill in Belle Vernon. It was a fabulous time with our friends in 37! We can't wait to do it again next year!

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